
Senior Design


This project is still a work in progress, but we are trying to design and fabricate a ReRAM crossbar that can be used for in memory multiply and accumulate operations. We will create a MPW submission to eFabless, and hopefully we will be chosen to have our project fabricated.

My Role

For this project I am the digital designer. All of my other team members are Electrical Engineers focusing on VLSI, but I am the only person on the team experienced with digital design, which is necessary for this project.


This project is my first time fabricating anything. I needed to learn a lot of the open source toolflows that eFabless provided for this application. I also needed to learn some of the basics of analog design because of mixed-signal circuitry that is required for this project. Additionally I needed a strong C and devops to be successful, since I am the only person on my team proficient in software engineering, and proper project management isnecessary.

Supporting Documents

Here is a link to our team's website which contains all of the resources we've used, along with our final results:


Big Picture Contribution

The primary purpose of this project is to contribute to ReRAM research being done by Professor Cheng Wang, but ReRAM is a promising technology that has a lot of potential compared to traditional SRAM and DRAM, making it important to research to improve future computers.

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